Thursday, 25 April 2013

At least the carrots are orange!

It's always a pleasure when a client teaches me new and interesting stuff.
Invisalign, makers of dental braces needed a set of illustrations for internal training purposes.
The new stuff I learned during the execution of the project, their sequential braces are produced using Stereo Lithography, one of several processes of 3D printing that I find fascinating. Initially a 3D computer model is made of the patient's teeth and jaw and the movement of each tooth is scheduled. A sequence of moves is planned and the braces are printed by SLD. I love technology.
The seven images from me needed to fit within the corporate colour palette - hence the blue rabbit. Luckily, there was an orange available for me to use as a carrot colour.

Traditional inking, scanned and coloured in Adobe Illustrator.

Friday, 12 April 2013

A New Breed of COD

Those outrageously fit people over at NPC Performance asked me to design a logo for their high intensity workout. They call it the Challenge of the Day, which naturally provides the acronym C.O.D. and a logical fishy requirement.
The client liked my initial sketches so much that they upped their budget to have two pieces of art.
The side view is a stand alone piece for T-shirts and other branding while the colour logo will appear on marketing and promo material.
An enjoyable little project.